How it came to be.

One night, after returning home from playing a regular-season orchestra performance, I had an undeniable urge to sit down at my computer and write. It was 10pm. I did all the things you hear that writers do to set “the stage” — I lit a candle, made a cup of tea, and put out a bowl of cookies.

Then I opened the lid to my small, blue Toshiba computer. I began to write. Words flowed out of me until 2am. This became my habit for six months until the first rough spew of a book sat in a neat stack on the table next to me. That book, a time travel story, poured onto the page from out of nowhere. As if from another lifetime. I’d never written anything before. “What the heck just happened?” I asked myself.

That six-month-long spark ignited my nighttime writing habit. Eventually, that habit shifted to the morning hours. Since then, I’ve written nearly every day as the sun rises.

I’ve authored two memoirs so far, and I hope that the words keep flowing for a few decades more!

Music will always be my first love. But writing has given me a gift I never expected — a second creative passion. How lucky am I?

Music and Nature: Reflections on a Pianist’s Life

My new memoir, Music and Nature: Reflections on a Pianist’s Life, is now available through Amazon!

This link will take you to my Amazon page, where you can see both of my memoirs, including Life in Miniatures: a view from the piano bench which was released in 2021.

I hope my books bring solace and joy to all who read them. So much connects us, family, friends, and those we’ve never met. Circles of life bring us together as we travel down our individual paths.

Music and nature are two sources of beauty that enrich my life in profound ways. They’ve intersected at critical junctures in my life, as well as having sustained me on the longer journey.

The love of music and nature runs through most of us in one way or another. I believe this love is a unifying force in the world. Uniquely our own, yet universally celebrated.

New Memoir!

I’m excited to announce the upcoming release of my second memoir, Music and Nature: Reflections on a Pianist’s Life.

Music and Nature: Reflections on a Pianist’s Life tells the story of my journey from a career as a professional musician to that of a joy-filled life beyond the world of performing.

With the passage of time, music takes on a new meaning. The ingrained memory of the sound of applause is taken over by wind stirring in the trees. The intensity of ongoing rehearsals and performances gives way to nature’s gentle beckoning.

At the height of joyful discoveries in both music and nature, comes the diagnosis of uterine cancer. Surgery and subsequent treatments are a profound turning point in my life.

The steadfast bond between music and nature deepens, bringing with it life’s vibrant force of renewal. A return to health walks hand-in-hand with the rekindling of childhood joy in music.

The date of the book’s release is yet to be determined, but will occur in late June of 2023. Both paperback and e-book editions will be available on Amazon.


My first memoir, Life in Miniatures: a view from the piano bench, is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The Return of Me

Hello all! As you can see, I’ve been away from this blog for nearly eight months! My time was mostly hijacked by uterine cancer and all the attached life-altering events associated with surgery and radiation treatments. My prognosis is very good and as I continue to gain strength and endurance, my zest for life is stronger than ever! My second memoir is well under way, as through it all, I have been diligently putting my newfound perspective into words. Here’s a photo of my cancer-free look. Life–I think it’s worth it!

Also, this happened! I was honored to receive this award for my piece, Parchment Leather and Cloth. It will appear in my upcoming second memoir!